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Tenzing Client Case Studies

Accidents Happen!

Broken Hip from a Slip

Client Profile
  • Age: 58 years old
  • Plan:  Inpatient only from Henner
  • Annual Premium: $1,800 with $0 deductible
  • Where: Hoi An, Vietnam
Broken Hip from a Slip
Incident Overview

Sidewalks in Asia are not exactly….free from obsturctions.  However, for our client’s case, he slipped down two stairs while exiting a restaurant and landed hardly on his hip. 

He needed hip surgery and hip replacement surgery was required. The core issue wasn’t the hip replacement it was what happened next. 

Medical Treatment Received
  • Hip Replacement Surgery:  Henner authorized cashless direct billing for his surgery, private room, ICU care & all the ancillary expenses you’re charged like doctor & specialist fees, nursing, drugs, dressings, medical equipment, etc. 
  • Infection Treatment: The initial surgery didn’t cause the real problem, his hip then developed a very serious infection and required further surgeries, hospitalization expenses and he ended up in-hospital for nearly 1 month when all was said and done. 
Total Claim Amount

Was just shy of $30,000 USD for the entire duration of his stay. Had the same thing happened in Singapore, Hong Kong or a more expensive place than Hoi An, you’d be talking 2X-4X that amount. 

Key Takeaways
  • Surgeries can get  expensive, even in smaller cities in Asia. The cost of healthcare is rising by ~9% per year. 
  • So is ongoing care!!! The bulk of his expenses actually came not from the initial surgery, but from the extended stay in the hospital for the infection and all the related treatment that happened after the initial surgery. 
  • Be with a good provider-  if you’re with a good provider, no matter how much you claim, your rate increase the same as everyone else (community rating).  If you’re with a bad provider, they can get rid of you or increase your premium by whatever % they want.
  • Accidents Happen! No matter how safe you are, no one is immune
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