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Tenzing Client Case Studies

Don't Wait

Heart Disease Diagnosis

Client Profile

We cannot just share insurance success stories, unfortunately many people wait until it’s too late to seek health insurance. This case study is to show why you get health insurance when you’re healthy. 

  • Age: 55 years old
  • Policy: None
  • Annual Premium: None
Heart Disease Diagnosis
Diagnosis & Result

A long-time expat of SE Asia reached out to us because he was recently diagnosed with Atrial Fribrillation which is an irregular and often very rapid heart rhythm. It can lead to blood clots in the heart. The condition also increases the risk of stroke, heart failure and other heart-related complications. 

Any private health insurer would exclude that + related conditions. He is now forever on the hook.

How Insurers Handle Pre-existing Conditions

Many types of conditions will never be covered by private health insurance.  A recently diagnosed chronic condition such as this is a good example. They don’t have the risk appetite to cover it, the premium they’d have to charge would be outrageous due to the nature of the condition & cost of future treatments. 

How pre-existing conditions are handled:

  • Cover them, no premium loading
  • Cover them with a premium loading
  • Exclude them but accept you
  • Reject you
Key Takeaways

Asking for health insurance after receiving a life altering diagnosis is like asking for car insurance after a wreck.

You can mitigate some risks by your lifestyle choices, but get health insurance when you’re healthy! You can control when you get health insurance, but you cannot control when life happens. This is a good example of that. 


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Health Insurance Providers

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Swiss Global
Provider Vumi
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Provider IMG

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