Tenzing pacific services

Get help with your
health insurance claims

Nobody likes paperwork.  Nobody really likes insurance.  And certainly nobody likes insurance paperwork.  But if you have health insurance, at some point you’re going to have to deal with the dreaded insurance claim.

Most people don’t know how to file an insurance claim properly, and as a result, either don’t get reimbursed all they’re owed, or end up with a headache from all the red tape.  So, should expats file their own insurance claims?   There are some legitimate reasons why they shouldn’t, as explained in some detail below.  

One solution is to hire a professional insurance claims adjuster, who will do all the legwork for you and make sure that you get the full amount of money you’re entitled to. 

If you’re lucky enough to be a Tenzing customer, you can let us handle it. We have a team of specialists who spend their days dealing with claims issues, direct billing, premium payments and the like. They understand the issues better than you ever will, have established relationships with medical and insurance providers and will take the time to figure out your problems.

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Should you do it on your own? Here are a few things to consider:

1. Did you get a good policy from a reputable provider?

First, it’s important to understand that insurance companies would prefer that you don’t file claims. For you, it’s part of your insurance coverage you paid good money for, but for them, claims are expenses that reduce profits, as debits to the bottom line.

Some lower-end insurance companies have given the industry a bad rap by denying or under-reimbursing legitimate claims.  They will often take advantage of claimants who don’t have experience dealing with the process.  They know that most people just want to get their claim settled as quickly as possible so they can move on with their lives, and may use this leverage to drag their feet on processing claims.

A good insurance provider, on the other hand, will make the process easier for you with features like direct billing, a mobile app, online claims submission, and a customer service hotline.  Before buying a policy, double check that your insurance company offers these services, as they will often make the difference between a smooth claims process and a frustrating one.

Dealing with the dreaded health insurance claim

2. Do you have the time and patience?

Filing the initial insurance claim can be time-consuming.  You’ll need to gather all the relevant documentation, including medical records and receipts and potentially even police reports.  This can be a daunting task, especially if you’re still trying to recover from an illness or injury.

After the claim has been filed, the insurance company will often do their own investigation and may take some time to get back to you. 

3. Do you speak the local language?

Although insurance companies may say they have bilingual staff, the reality is that many  providers don’t.  This can be a problem if you’re trying to file a claim without speaking the language.

And it’s not just the insurance company that you need to chat with.  You’ll also need to coordinate with medical staff, accountants and hospital administration personnel who would rather be doing something else.

4. How much is your claim worth?

Medical care in Southeast Asia is relatively cheap.  For smaller bills, it might not be worth your time and effort to file a claim.  After all, how much is your time worth?  If it’s going to take you hours to file a claim for $50, would you be better off doing something else?  

Of course, significant expenses deserve special attention, and you don’t want to make a costly mistake due to inexperience.

5. Did you read your policy’s Terms and Conditions?

This is an important one. Insurance companies won’t approve every claim that comes their way. They have a duty to their shareholders to pay claims pursuant to the policy’s policy wordings.

That’s why it’s important that you take the time to read the policy’s controlling document, known as the Terms and Conditions or Policy Wordings, before you buy an insurance policy. That way, you’ll know what is and isn’t covered.


Perhaps you already know where this is going, and yes, our advice is to say that expats shouldn’t always file their own insurance claims in Southeast Asia.  There are simply too many potential pitfalls and problems that can arise if you don’t have the expertise.  

Thankfully, Tenzing Pacific has a team of trained professionals who can help you with all aspects of your insurance claim, from start to finish. They can help translate and navigate the insurance claim system, so you don’t have to.  

This support is absolutely free when you buy your policy from Tenzing.  Contact Support@ten-pac.com for assistance.

Don’t have health insurance yet?  You really should.  Get in touch.

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